Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day 🌺

I thought I’d take this opportunity to re-introduce myself. I’m Cherie.

My journey with PCOS and acne has led me to practice being authentic in everyday life.

From starting Bloom by Cherie as a health coach, I’ve come a long way in uncovering the freedom, ease and power in simply being my imperfect, not-having-all- the-answers self.

I love to educate, write and make things simple; especially when understanding our body.

I also love being a woman and exploring the many facets of our nature.

I continue working on my first book about my first love where I discovered the value in self-honesty and self-worth.

My rising sign is Taurus so I am slow but steady, and love to indulge in the simple things in life.

The main way you can connect with me is through my blog on my website. You can learn tools and practices I explore for my skin and fertility health, and ways I nurture my inner and outer world. You can try recipes and get updates on my book too.

I hope my stories and expressions from the heart warm and inspire you ❤️

Cherie Ha