My Food Philosophy & Modest Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes (df, gf, veg)



‘Keep your meals simple and let the ingredients shine'.’


When we keep the ingredients we use in our meals basic, our body can digest it better. The benefit is that it is easier on the digestive system to process and efficiently absorb nutrients. Hence I selectively pick ingredients that provide lots of nutrients and cook them in a way that brings out their flavour and texture.

Years ago when the health and wellness trend was rising, I would drench my ‘healthier’ pancakes with almond butter and maple syrup, overload my smoothie bowls with lots of ‘superfood’ seeds, nuts and various toppings along with having a pantry full of protein powders and a range of liver, gut and hormone ‘natural’ supplements. And although these ingredients had certain nutritional benefits to them, I was putting way too many foreign ingredients in my body which continued to cause gut issues such as bloating, gut bacterial overgrowth and skin issues.

It’s great that healthy food is heavily promoted in the media and in an aesthetically pleasing way too however, be conscious of how many ingredients and foods you’re putting in your body at one go.

Also, digestion first starts in our mouth from the enzymes in our saliva that initiates the break down carbohydrates from our food hence ensure you are taking the time to chew each bite you take properly.  

My way of cooking and eating has definitely shifted-

I now aim for minimal ingredients and let each element of the dish shine for itself.

Below is my modest blueberry pancakes where I topped my pancakes with some warm berries.  The great thing about this recipe too is that you can make it all in one bowl to minimise messiness.

Modest Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes
(df, gf, veg)

Serves 1 (~ 3-4 pancakes) I Preparing time: 5mins I Cooking time: 10 mins



  • 1/3 cup buckwheat flour

  • 1 egg

  • 1 medium RIPE banana

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • ½  tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/3 cup almond milk

  • 1/8 tsp baking powder

  • Coconut oil for pan-fry

  • Handful of Frozen blueberries (or fresh)  (+ another handful for garnish)


  1. In a medium mixing bowl, mash the banana with a fork.

  2. Crack in the egg and with a whisk, gently combine.

  3. Pour in the almond milk and vanilla extract and gently whisk till everything is combined.

  4. Add in the flour, cinnamon and baking powder and fold everything together till evenly combined.

  5. On medium heat, melt about 1 tsp of coconut oil and evenly spread it around a medium or large pan (depending how large and many you want to cook at a time- I cook two at once).

  6.  When the pan is hot, reduce the heat to low and using a ladle, pour the batter according to size you like your pancakes.

  7. When bubbles begin to form on top of the pancake, gently press in some blueberries into each pancake.

    -TIP: Pick small blueberries and ensure you properly press them into the batter so when you flip them over, the other side can evenly cook too.

  8. When more bubbles form evenly on the top and the bottom of the pancake is lightly browned, gently flip the pancake over.

  9. Cook this side for approximately 30 seconds and gently press them down with your spatula to ensure they’re cooked through.

  10. Remove from the pan and repeat the process till the batter is used.

  11. In a microwave, heat up a handful of frozen blueberries for about 40 seconds to top on your pancakes.

For more simple, healthy and delicious recipes check out- The Eating for Healthy Hormones E-book which includes 20+ simple, delicious and healthy recipes, education on women’s hormones and holistic strategies when eating to support our body’s optimum functioning and develop a positive relationship with your body.

Cherie Ha