Meal Prep: August Chocolate Gluten Free Pancakes

Makes: 8-10 pancakes, Serves: 3-4 days, Cooking time: 25 minutes, df & gf


My days are getting busier yet being a major foodie, I do not want to comprise breakfast which is a big part of my morning ritual.

When I am on the go, I will still find a way to meal prep a healthy, delicious breakfast!

It’s pretty obvious, I LOVE MY CHOCOLATE GLUTEN FREE PANCAKES and happy to share this recipe with you because sharing is caring.

Given that I use buckwheat flour, this recipe is gluten free and I find my gut does not have any issues with it. Most of the ingredients in the recipe are organic and easily accessible at the mainstream super markets. However, even if you choose not to buy organic, this recipe can do without the organic labelling.

I also share my favourite toppings that I have my pancakes and some meal prep strategies too.

NOTE: Others who have tried this say that the pancake is not sweet. And I totally agree, it is quite mild however I get the sweetness from the toppings I have with it such as the berries or other fruit you would like to have with it. It is the TEXTURE of pancakes that satisfies me. If you want more sweetness in the batter, feel free to ensure your bananas are EXTRA ripe AND you can add a dash of maple syrup in the batter or even on top!

Yay to pancakes every day!




  • 2/3 cup organic buckwheat flour

  • 2 Tbsp organic raw cacao powder

  • 2 RIPE large bananas

  • 2 free range eggs

  • 2/3 cup organic almond milk (+more if batter is too thick)

  • 1/2 tsp gluten free baking soda (I use Rob Mills brand)

  • Organic coconut oil to cook


  • Coconut yoghurt (Coyo or Nakular is my favourite)

  • Toasted pumpkin seeds tossed in cinnamon

  • Cashew butter mixed with cinnamon

  • Chopped strawberries

  • Berries (reheat frozen berries)


  1. In a small bowl, roughly mash the banana with a fork (I like mine with some chunky banana bits).

  2. Following this, crack in the eggs, add the milk, and mix all together and set aside.

  3. Add in the the buckwheat flour, cacao powder and baking powder and combine.

  4. Mix till there are no lumps. If the batter is too thick, add a dash of milk for a thinner consistency.

  5. On medium heat, warm up a non-stick pan and add 1 tsp of coconut oil.

  6. When pan is hot, reduce the heat to low and with a small ladle size of the pancake mix. Depending how large and many you want to cook at a time- I cook two at once.

  7. When bubbles begin to form across the top of the pancake which means they are mostly cooked, gently flip the pancakes to the side.

  8. Cook this side for approximately 30 seconds and gently press them down with your spatula to ensure they’re cooked through.

  9. Remove from the pan and repeat the process till the rest of the batter is used.

  10. Remove each pancake and leave to cool on a large plate.

  11. Move pancakes into a glass container and store for a less than a week.

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Meal Prep techniques:

  • I store all my pancakes in a glass container that lasts for a week and take out 2-3 pancakes for a serving of breakfast.

  • I reheat them in a toaster (on low heat) so they get a little crispy outside and warm in the inside.

  • For a quick breakfast, I serve it with a generous dollop of coconut yoghurt, a handful of toasted pepitas dusted in cinnamon and chopped strawberries.

  • To have the sides ready, I prep a small container of toasted pumpkin seeds which I have mixed in with some cinnamon and just pour it on top of my pancakes when I eat them .

  • Another combination I like is with cashew butter, so I spread some of it on my pancake after it is toasted.

Favourite serving suggestions:

  • 1 generous dollop of Coyo or Nakula Coconut Yoghurt with a handful of toasted pumpkin seeds tossed in organic true cinnamon- I have them already made in a container.

  • A tablespoon of cashew butter (which I dilute with a small splash of boiling water to make it looser and mix) with some chopped strawberries or berries.

Cherie Ha