November Book Update

I started writing my book in 2017. One moment I was writing the book outline as an idea on the dining table, the next, I have a manuscript exchanged in the hands of editors and other professionals. Sometimes I think I am delusional to write a book. However, the more I share my manuscript around, the more it is feeling real.

What is my book about?

This book is to guide young girls out of co-dependant and unhealthy relationships by sharing strategies on how to build their self-worth, understand and appreciate their body, and create a more balanced life. Written from personal experience and as a Holistic Health Coach, it is a blend of personal stories, practical life advice, self-care activities, affirmations and poems.

Fast track to forward to 2023…

My goal is to complete my manuscript by the end of year.

In February, my editor Tamara Kabat, who has been providing me with structural editing and coaching the year before, asked me to print out my manuscript so we could physically see it and move any sections of the manuscript around.

After years of writing, reviewing, editing (and going pretty cuckoo), I finally saw my manuscript taking tangible form.

Between March to October, I continued making edits, invested in another coach, Dorien Leirens from Eldo Creative to map out the tasks to complete my manuscript by the end of the year. We created a 150 Day Book Ready plan but most importantly, she kept me accountable.

book writing writing author best seller editing


In October I connected with locals psychologists and counsellors asking them if they could review the content in my book. Given that my book includes topics on relationships, self esteem, self worth and mental health, it is important to gain the support of qualified health professionals to make sure the content is safe and appropriate for the reader.

Some said no and some were curious to meet to find out more. Some gave honest and constructive feedback which I found very helpful. One psychologist suggested that my book could fit in the genre of memoir. Initially, I thought my book would fall under the ‘personal development’ or ‘self-help’ category as my book contains an array of self reflective activities. I also haven’t read many memoirs before. However, having asked my supporters on social media what genre they prefer, most enjoyed reading memoirs and suggested that my book could fit into this genre. This has given me some food for thought!


In early November, a local counsellor expressed she who would like to work together to review the content and activities in the book! Starting in December, we will begin this process, horray!

In mid November, I also attended a publishing workshop by Dragonfly Publishing to learn about the process of securing a publisher and self-publishing. What the workshop highlighted were the challenges of writing and selling books. After all, even the most successful writers don’t write books full time. Being already aware of this, I am reminded of my ‘Why’ and internal mission of having written this book in the first place. Aside from enjoying the writing process and for it to be a primary vehicle to sharing my passion in education, my mission is to bring more authenticity into the world. I believe that freedom, health and love starts when you are honest with yourself. I want to also show that being vulnerable is a form of courage.

publishing agreements publishing selfpublishing

On the 24th November, I sent my manuscript off to Renee Otmar, a well experienced editor based in Geelong. The reason I am getting her feedback is so she can suggest what kind of editing my book requires next. From her feedback, I also hope to gain clarity on what genre my book fits into and the publishing route that may be best for me.

So what’s next?

Before the year ends, I would have received Renee’s feedback and begun reviewing the book’s content with the counsellor. Realistically, I will not reach my goal to completing this manuscript by the end of the year. However, I have made significant progress compared to the previous years. Instead of excessively reviewing and editing my manuscript (if you write, you know it could never end), having a plan and being kept accountable was key to really ‘moving the needle’ with my book.

I hope you found this update insightful. If you would like to keep following the journey, you can add me on I share more behind the scenes to developing this book, particularly in the Instagram stories. Thank you for joining me!

Cherie Ha