My Pole Dance Experience

poledance pole dance review body exploration

Tell me to try pole a year ago, I would cringe. However, from giving it a go in May this year, I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Although I decided to stop, it provided the opportunity to be present in my body and soften whilst feel stronger and confident in everyday life.

Interestingly, pole dance also helped me to embrace the masculine parts of myself, aspects in which I relate to as strength, mental stamina and support.

Through pole dance, I discovered that I can support myself and that my mind and I can be on the same team.

To those who are interested to try pole or other forms of dance but are met with resistance, all I can suggest is to leave your judgements at the door and get curious.

Just like any other girl, woman or other, you have every right to explore your body, your sensuality, and have fun. You may like it you may not, the point is, you allowed yourself to go there.

#bodylove #poledance #poledancereview #femininedivine #femininepower #yinyang #masculinedivine #bodyconfidence #selflove #bodyacceptance #sacralchakra #bodyexploration

Cherie Ha