Body Insecurities & Relationships

Healthy relationships, body confidence, body insecurities, self love

As I write my book about the body, I want to share what it’s like to feel comfortable in your body when being in a relationship. 

Over the three years together with Cameron, I have gradually felt safer in being my full self to someone else. 

Cameron has never pried, confronted or enquired me about my skin and body insecurities. By simply being himself, emotionally open and his gentle nature, over time, it felt safe for me to open more of myself to him. And each time I did, I was always met with presence, love and support. 

To anyone thinking that they have to ‘resolve’ all their insecurities before getting into a relationship, you don’t have to be fully healed, or ‘perfect’ to have someone love and appreciate you.

I want to also mention that when I shared this to Cameron, he expressed that he wants others to know that men very much have insecurities. And that being able to share these with someone else only makes each other and the relationship stronger.

Healthy relationships, body confidence, body insecurities, self love
Cherie Ha