Creating Safety in my Skin

I used my recent 4 day book trip to go make-up free.  

When I was sitting in that one café I tried, enjoying the best scrambled eggs, I noticed how comfortable the women who lived here were at being themselves. They barely wore any makeup, took their time with things and seemed grounded.

Putting aside the topic of the ingredients in makeup and how it affects our skin, I don’t think make-up is ‘bad’ nor do I judge others for wearing it, I still wear it!  

It comes down to our intention as to why we wear it. 

Sometimes, it's to enhance our features, express our creativity and feel beautiful for whatever occasion. 

However, to me, there is something so energetically beautiful when I look at someone’s bare face. 

And the more I’ve been feeling safer in my skin, the more I feel closer and most celebrated by Mother Nature.

Cherie Ha