Warm Raspberry & Ginger Oat Porridge (df, veg & vf)

I would refer to the food I made as ‘Bowls of Love’ during the time I was healing from my two year, toxic relationship. I call them this because treating yourself gently and with love is the first you can do when going through something like this, and these bowls were an expression of this.

Every morning, I would look forward to making a bowl of oat porridge which I knew would provide me with nutrients, comfort me and add some warmth and sweetness into my life during this time of difficulty.

Our bodies are often neglected when going through a toxic relationship hence providing your body with nutrients allows you to have the energy, the focus to process the situation, the emotions and be brought to clarity on how to move forward and start cultivating a better relationship with yourself. Start with your body.

I hope this recipe brings nourishment and comfort to you too.

Warm Raspberry & Ginger Oat Porridge

serves 1, takes: 5-6 minutes


Raspberry oats.JPG
  • 1/3 cup oats

  • 1 cup almond milk (I made my own which tastes so much more creamy)

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp grated ginger

  • Handful frozen raspberries

  • 1/2 Tbsp honey

  • 1 Tbsp hemp seeds (optional)

  • Optional toppings: sliced banana, berries, drizzle almond butter, 100% peanut butter, sprinkle pumpkin or sunflower seeds seeds, coconut flakes (buy organic where possible).


  1. Place the oats, cinnamon, ginger and almond milk in a pot on medium to and bring to boil.

  2.  When reached boiling (you can see lots of bubbles on top all through the centre too), reduce the heat and add the hemp seeds and honey.

  3. Stir till the consistency of creaminess of oats you like.

  4. Add a handful of frozen raspberries and stir through.

  5. Turn off the heat and place in a bowl.

  6. Top with your favourite fruit, I like mine with some banana and a drizzle of almond butter.



Cherie Ha