Upside down Plum Cake

Refined white flour free & dairy free

Serves 8-10 slices | Preparation: 30-45 minutes | Baking: 35-40 minutes

plum cake, healthy cake, wholesome cake, tea cake, cake recipe, white flour free cake, almond cake, plum cake, autumn cake

It’s Autumn in Australia, plums have been in season and I’ve been craving something sweet (thats not chocolate) to have with a cup of tea.

This cake has light notes of spices like cardamon, cinnamon and ginger. The tart yet sweet plums seem to complement these spices well.

This recipe does not have white refined flour and uses healthier alternatives like oat and almond flour. Although it can be challenging to achieve the same fluffy texture in normal cakes using flour alternatives, this cake is not too grainy nor pasty.

Rest assured, I have also received positive feedback with this cake from family, friends and most importantly, my mum, the OG baker of the family!

I hope you also enjoy this cake.

You can leave a comment below or send a DM on Instagram - @bloombycherie if you have any questions and feedback.



  • 1 1/2 cups  oat flour

  • 3/4 cup almond flour (you can use almond meal but it will be grainier and drier)

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder

  • 1/4 tsp all spice powder

  • 1/8 tsp cardamom powder

  • 1/8 ginger powder

  • 1/4 tsp himalyan  salt


  • 1 egg

  • 1/2 cup soy milk (or dairy milk)

  • 1 small (80 g) ripe mashed banana

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • 2 - 3 plums sliced

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 tbsp brown sugar


plum cake recipe, autumn cake recipe, flour free cake,  oat flour cake, almond cake, cinnamon cake,
  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees celcius.

  2. Line a 20cm x 6cm round baking tin with baking paper.

  3. Halve the plums and remove the pit. Slice the plums into thin slices. Each plum should make 7-8 slices. You can cut them thinner if you prefer.

  4. In a small bowl, add the sliced plums and 1 Tbsp brown sugar and 1 Tbsp maple syrup. Gently mix until the plums are coated with the sugar and syrup and set aside.

  5. If you’re using oats not oat flour, in a blender, add the oats and blend to a flour consistency.

  6. In a large mixing bowl using a sifter, sift in the dry ingredients- oat and almond flour, brown sugar, all the spices, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

  7. In a separate medium mixing bowl, mash the banana. Add in the egg, milk, lemon juice and vanilla extract. Gently whisk till all is combined and set aside. The lemon and milk helps to make the cake moist and slightly tangy.

  8. In the round baking tin, line the bottom of the tin with the sliced plums in a fan-like pattern. Set aside.

  9. In the large mixing bowl with the dry ingredients, slowly add in the wet mixture and fold the wet mixture into the dry ingredients. Gently fold until all is evenly combined.

  10. In the baking tin, pour the mixture on top of the fanned plums.

  11. Place the tin in the oven for about 35 minutes until the cake is golden on the outside.

    You can test if the cake is cooked inside by pricking the cake in a couple of spots using a skewer all the way through the cake.

    If the cake residue on the skewer looks moist but not wet, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool for about 30 minutes. If the cake residue on the skewer is wet, leave in for another 7-10 minutes.

  12. Once cooled, using a plate, put a plate on top of the tin. Place one of your hands at the bottom of the tin and the other hand on top of the plate. Carefully flip. Gently remove the tin and baking paper from the cake and allow it to sit until ready to serve.


  • A spring- form cake tin can make it easier to remove the cake from the tin.

  • You can use almond meal if you don’t have almond flour. However, the cake will be drier and more grainy.

  • My mother recommended to refrigerate the cake if you would like a denser, moist texture when serving.

  • This is optional - You can coat the baking paper with some butter.

plumcake, healthy cake recipe, healthy cake ideas, healthy cake inspiration, homemade cooking, everyday cooking, healthy cooking, healthy treats, healthy sweets, autumn cake, winter cake, fall cake, baking
Cherie HaComment