Chocolate Oat Porridge with Warmed Berries

Makes 1 serving I Preparation & Cooking: 6 mins I Dairy free + vegan


1/3 cup oats

3/4 cup non-dairy milk (eg. almond, oat or rice milk)

1 small ripe banana

1 Tbsp raw cacao

1/2 Tbsp chia seeds

1/2 Tbsp hemp seeds + more to sprinkle at the end

1 generous handful of frozen berries (65 grams)


  1. In a small bowl, mash the banana.

  2. In a small saucepan, combine the oats, seeds and milk.

  3. Cook on the oats on low-medium heat for 2.5 minutes until you can see the milk boiling around the edges and the bubbles forming in the centre.

    * Important * Do not stir until you can see bubbles forming in the centre. This is crucial if you want the oats to be thoroughly cooked.

  4. Whilst the oats are being brought to boil, grab a generous handful of frozen mixed berries, put in a small bowl and microwave for 40 seconds.

  5. When oats have reached boiling, remove from the stove and now stir in the banana and cacao powder.

    This is to prevent the banana and cacao from being overcooked and losing their wonderful flavours.

  6. If you want it really warm, put the pot back on the stove on extremely low heat and consistently stir for 30 seconds.

  7. Remove from the stove and serve in a bowl.

  8. Add the warmed berries on top and sprinkle some hemp seeds.


If you would like your porridge sweeter, you can add some fresh sliced bananas on top or honey.

Please make sure your banana is ripe (ideally with some brown spots) to ensure there is enough sweetness in the porridge.

If you find raw cacao too strong and bitter, you can reduce the amount of raw cacao and use 1/2 Tbsp instead.

Please do not mix the oats when it is boiling. Leave it alone or it will interrupt the even cooking process. I cannot stress this enough.

Depending on your handful size, you may need to microwave the berries for another 5-8 seconds to ensure all of the berries are warmed.

Cherie Ha