Goji & Banana Porridge

Serves 1 I Preparation and cooking: 11 mins I dairy free

I cannot take all the credit for this recipe as this one was inspired by the boyfriend who began adding goji into our porridges.

Who would’ve thought goji in porridge worked!

This recipe is for those who prefer a more traditional style porridge where the oats are well cooked to a creamy, mushy consistency. The seeds are in minimal amounts so the porridge doesn’t become too grainy yet still provide some texture along with their beautiful nutrients such as omega- 3s, protein and fibre. The goji berries soften when cooked and offer small bursts of sweetness and a unique texture to the porridge.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful bowl of nourishment as much as we do.


1/3 generous cup of rolled oats (we use Uncle Toby’s traditional rolled oats)

3/4 cup of water

1 large ripe banana sliced

1/3 cup non-dairy milk (preferably soy milk)

1 Tbsp goji berries

1 tsp flaxseeds

1 tsp chia seeds

Drizzle of honey



  1. In a small pot, add the oats, goji berries, flaxseeds, chia seeds and water.

    Also add in the slice banana.

  2. Turn the stove onto very low heat and allow the oats to cook for 4 minutes. Ensure all the ingredients are covered in the water by lightly pressing them into the water however, do not stir.

    Note - If the pan gets too dry, add in a splash of water so the base of the pan does not burn.

  3. When the water is bubbling throughout the whole pot and most of the water is soaked into the oats, pour in the non-dairy milk and gently stir.

  4. Constantly stir all ingredients for another 3-4 minutes till do you are happy with the consistency.

  5. Remove the pot from the stove and place the porridge in a serving bowl.

  6. Drizzle some honey on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.


Use a ripe banana so the porridge has enough sweetness.

Soy milk seems to be the best out of the non-dairy milks as it makes it more creamy. Rice milk also works quite well.

Keep a very low heat on the porridge to prevent the oats from burning before they are evenly cooked.

Avoid stirring the oats at the beginning when it is cooking in the water to ensure the oats are evenly cooked.

Source local, raw honey when you can. It makes a difference.

Use a wooden spoon when stirring the porridge. From my experience, it seems to make it more creamy compared to using metal or sharp utensils. There is also something nostalgic and satisfying about stirring the porridge with a wooden spoon.

Cherie Ha