60 Days of Qigong for Better Circulation, Digestion & Strength

Discover what 60 days of Qigong can do for better circulation, digestion, strength and energy. Dive into my current top self-care tool to regulate hormones, alleviate stress, enhance emotional resilience and recharge the mind, body and soul.

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Top 5 Approaches in 2023 to Clear Acne & Regulate my Menstrual Cycle

At the start of 2023, I explored various holistic approaches to clear my skin and regulate my menstrual cycle with a focus on the lymphatic and circulatory system. The 60 day menstrual cycles that I experienced at the beginning of 2023, reduced to 45 days. If you want to read these top 5 approaches that I also intend to carry into 2024, you can read here.

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Cherie Ha
My Pole Dance Experience

To those who are interested to try pole or other forms of dance but are met with resistance, all I can suggest is to leave your judgements at the door and get curious. Just like any other girl, woman or other, you have every right to explore your body, your sensuality, and have fun. You may like it you may not, the point is, you allowed yourself to go there.

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Cherie Ha
15 Reasons Why I'm Writing a Book

I was an avid diary writer throughout my childhood years. I love stringing words together. Writing is my kind of art. Words have the power in shaping our reality. Just as words can cause wars, they can also heal. Words literally change the world. I love crafting a nice, clear sentence. Communication is key and words offer that. Writing immensely helped me heal from my first breakup. Oh hello first book!

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Cherie Ha
October Reflections on Forming Habits

I choose to focus on the power of neuroplasticity; the brain’s ability to adapt, to make new neural connections and re-wire itself in response to our surroundings in which we have much control over. I also choose to focus on the mass potential of the mind (often untapped) and its ability to be used in our favour.

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Cherie Ha